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Hacks That Will Keep Your Back Healthy for the Long Haul

Nov 03, 2023
Hacks That Will Keep Your Back Healthy for the Long Haul

Hacks That Will Keep Your Back Healthy for the Long Haul

Most people understandably pay little attention to their backs except when something goes wrong. A slight twinge after a workout, an uncomfortable sleep, or a persistent ache after a long day at work are all wake-up calls that your back needs attention. 

Post-pandemic, people are also spending more time sitting at desks and less time being active, causing back pain to become more commonplace. 

So, how can you keep your back healthy for the long haul? At NeuroSpine Center in Tampa, Florida, Dr. Phillip Henkin and our team are strong advocates for preventive measures when it comes to your spinal health.

This blog provides practical tips to keep your back healthy for the long haul. 

Good posture

Slumping in your chair, hunching over your desk, or standing improperly can stress your back muscles and spinal discs unnecessarily. Good posture keeps all parts of your back aligned, ensuring you put the most minor strain on your back.

To maintain good posture while sitting, ensure your back aligns with the back of your chair, and your feet are flat on the ground. Avoid crossing your legs, as it can throw off your alignment.

When standing, keep your feet hip-distance apart and your knees slightly bent. This alignment helps distribute weight evenly.

Daily exercise and core strength

You don't need to be a gym rat to have a strong back, but some physical activity is essential. 

Exercises to try:

  • Plank: A proper plank works your entire core, which includes your back
  • Bird-dog: This exercise is excellent for building lower back strength. Start on all fours and extend one arm and the opposite leg simultaneously
  • Yoga and pilates: These mind-body workouts focus on strengthening your core and improving your flexibility, which is beneficial for back health

Simple, consistent exercises focusing on core strength can work wonders for your back. 

Importance of an ergonomically designed workspace

An ergonomic workspace can significantly affect how your back feels at the end of a workday. Consider investing in an ergonomic chair, a sit-stand desk, or, at the very least, a lumbar support cushion.

Hacks for an ergonomic workspace:

  • Screen height: Your computer screen should be at eye level so you don't have to bend your neck to see it
  • Keyboard placement: Your keyboard height should keep your elbows at a 90-degree angle
  • Regular breaks: Stand up, stretch, and walk around at least once every hour

Many people spend most of their days at desks, and an improper setup can wreak havoc on your back.

Nutrition and hydration

Believe it or not, what you eat can affect your back. Calcium is crucial for bone health, so include dairy or leafy greens in your diet.

Inflammation can contribute to back pain, and certain foods have anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger, berries, and fatty fish are all excellent choices to help fight inflammation. Keeping hydrated is also essential for spinal health as it helps absorb nutrients.

Regular check-ups

It's advisable to have regular check-ups for your back, especially if you have a history of problems. Such check-ups can detect issues before they become serious.

Your back is essential to your well-being and deserves your attention and care. Small changes can have a significant impact, from maintaining good posture and exercising regularly to optimizing your work environment and watching what you eat. 

If you are experiencing persistent back issues, book a consultation online today or call 813-534-4945 for expert advice and treatment from our renowned experts.